We know responsible financial services are powerful tools to help reduce poverty and create opportunity.

To strengthen our work and maximize our impact, we systematically gather data from our partners and their clients, so we can quickly learn what’s working and share and promote best practices across our global network.



Since our founding, Accion has reached more than 350 million underserved people globally.



Accion has helped build more than 235 financial service providers operating across 75 countries.  



92 percent of our partners’ borrowers are women, of those reporting gender breakdowns, representing more than half of all borrowers across the companies we work with.



In 2022 alone, 26.6 million people were actively using tools provided by our financial service provider partners.



At least 2.2 million people were insured through our partners, with 4.8 million insurance policies issued to their clients in 2022. 



More than 2 million people saved money through our partners in 2022. 



6.4 million people accessed responsible credit through our partners in 2022. 

We build lasting, meaningful change

Renuka looks out on her farm in Odisha, India

We expand the access and usage of responsible financial services for underserved people to improve their livelihoods and increase resilience.

Julian working at his bike repair shop in Bogota, Colombia

We open opportunity for underserved people through improved choices and responsible financial services that meet their needs.

BancoSol loan officer shows a customer how to use their app

Catalytic change:
We catalyze capital and innovative demonstration models that advance fairness and inclusion at scale.

Centering clients’ financial well-being

Results from our four-year partnership with Mastercard to drive the digitization of small business owners: 


improved outcomes

87 percent of users of new digital financial products said they had improved financial health outcomes, like paying expenses on time. 


improved outcomes for women

75 percent of women who used new digital financial products reported an improvement in financial health outcomes, like saving more money. 


improved business growth

41 percent of users of new digital financial products reported increased business growth activities, such as increased sales. 

Explore our approach

We apply a multi-faceted strategy to measure and maximize our impact for financially underserved communities globally.

Dive into our impact

Amelia at her shop in Indonesia

2022 Impact Report

Usha Ran Swain

2022 Annual Report

Your support powers our impact.

We are making essential financial services available to millions of people who would otherwise be left out.